Sunday, 16 December 2012

Letter to Hammer Film Productions

I wrote this letter to ask permission to use the track from the Woman In Black film recently made. I had to ask permission because we wanted it to be featuring in our film also and we needed to make sure we were allowed to do so as our film may be uploaded on to YouTube which will be seen from the public eye and we didn't want to get in to trouble for doing so.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Picture for DVD cover

I chose this photo for the DVD cover for our film. I chose this one because from researching the different types of DVD covers it is clear that the photo usually includes either the villain or main character with a surrounding setting to give a little insight as to what the film may include. I got this inspiration from the DVD cover 'Friday The 13th' because of the way they have chosen to have the villain from a low angle looking up at him and also showing the surrounding setting around him. Instead for ours I have chosen to have the two young girls, one of whom gets taken by the villain in the film at that young age. The way the angle of the camera is slightly looking down on them makes it seem like they are being watched and are vunrable. We also do not see their faces but it is very clear they are two young children on their own. These two girls are the victims of the villain so I have chosen to have this picture as the front. I have also chosen this photo because it shows a lot of the surrounding lake area where the film is set, from when they were that age of being young and when the girl as a teenager goes down there to reminisce the times she spent with her sister. This picture also shows a lot of the woodland across the lake and on the other side you can slightly see a human figure if you look closely, this indicates that there is a man out there to get them (the villain). It shows some of what may be going on in the film which i think is important as it makes it clear to the audience when they go to buy the film but not so much that they already know whats going to happen and don't buy it or go to see it at the cinema. I made the picture from normal colour which was boring and not eye catching to this edited picture that captures the eye. I made this by uploading it in 'iPiccy'. This programme on the Internet allowed me to edit this picture by changing the colour on photo effects to slightly black and white and sepia and then adding a slight 'vintage' look to it, this gave it its basic colour. I then added the 'Focal Zoom' to it which gave the effect around it, the way it goes blurry around the edges and makes you focus more on the girls in the picture and the figure across the lake. I feel this photo really brings out what the film is about without giving away too much, it also relates to the black and white film and also is very eye catching in the way it is appealing to look at.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Music for film

DVD Covers to analyse

6th December 2012

Today Sophie and I had media for two periods out of five today which meant that we had two hours of time to progress with our film. In the first hour we started to adapt our shots to make them more sophistaicated and personal to the film by shortening the shots. We did this to make them more tense and to add more to the climax to make the audience feel more engaged and focused on what might happen next. We changed certain shots by using specific tools on Final Cut to drag in to the focus on Ellie so that it made two shots instead of one, we used this when she walks in to the shot, we found that it was too long and broke the tension slightly so this made it flow better. We then looked at the black and white contrast on the film we have used to keep the traditional look, we started to look at the level and making sure it was equal colouring so that it didn't look wrong for the viewer. Whilst doing so, Sophie and I realised how important it was that this film is in black and white because it really adds to the effect of horror and eerie feel. We watched the beginning of the film in colour and it really didn't give the same scary effect that the black and white did.

In the second hour we spoke about what music we want to use in the background of the film and we came up with a final decision that it would be a section of music from the Woman In Black, called Voices In The Mist. We still need to send a letter to the company that produced this film to get permission to do so but at the moment that is the music we will hopefully use. We felt this music would be appropriate for our film because the background noises link in very well with the noises you would hear around the setting we are filming. We also feel this would work very well in our film because of the high pitched sounds you hear most of the way through with the contrast of minor key sounds. In this hour we also chose the name of our film which is 'The Locket'. We felt this name would work well as it links in with the main prop and idea of the locket that the actor Ellie holds and focusing on mainly in the opening sequence. This locket plays a bit part in the opening sequence because Josh who plays the Villain will be holding the sisters matching locket from when he took her whilst down at the Blue Lagoon. We feel this name will not give too much away and it also doesn't give off a positive or negative emotion when the audience read it which is good because it again doesn't let the audience know too much as to what will happen, only that a locket will play a big part in the storyline.

Audience Profile

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Evidence of us filming

These pictures show us filming with the setting around us of the Blue Lagoon in Stotfold. It also shows our main character Ellie and the main prop of the locket with the picture of her and her siser when they were younger